I would prefer not to visit few places as said in your site. Can we revise the schedule according to our desire? The highlights:
Yes, our agenda is especially flexible. Our vehicle and aides are solely for you and available to you. Consequently you may change or modify the agenda, get time, spots of visit and time to be spent at every goal, contingent upon your desire.
Can we have kid seat? Do we have to pay extra?
Yes, we can arrange at no additional cost. In any case, please check with us for accessibility of same.
What is the clothing standard practice in UAE?
Being an Islamic country, the UAE is unassuming about its clothing standard. You can wear shorts yet any type of uncovering attire is viewed as unseemly in broad daylight.
Is the costs said on the site per individual rate? On the off chance that we are a gathering of 2, do regardless we have to pay for 4 individuals?
The costs said on our site are not per individual rate. We don't direct visits on sharing premise yet just on private premise. Thus for up to 4 individuals our visit cost is steady.
We don't need dune bashing. Can this be kept away from?
Our driver might be cheerful to drive (dune bashing) as indicated by the pace of your prerequisite.
Are there restrooms available while on desert safari?
Making a trip to Desert from Dubai City devours 45min of time. In transit, there are oil stations where there are perfect restroom offices accessible. We burn through 1 Hour and 30 min in treat doing all the experience exercises. So no rest rooms are accessible while on leave. You may then either drive to the spot where you can appreciate the dusk.
Could we pick our particular guide?
Yes, you may generously ask for him at the season of web based booking. Being tour administrators we may have a minute ago appointments and certain progressions may be essential. So in the event; that on the off chance that we may need to change is sometimes not possible. Each one of our aides is proficient and eager. We are certain you will have a decent time with our different aides too.
How would we make installments for visit?
We take a shot at trust premise. Consequently we don't ask for CC details or payments details ahead of time. You may pay us on day of visit with Cash (USD/AED) or by your card on day of visit.
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